Saturday, 4 June 2011


Turf: nothing else
Dash: just reading some blogs

Nahum 1:7
The LORD is good, a stronghold in
the day of trouble; and he knows
those who trust in him.

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.

Sometimes it is best to pour the feelings in words and write it on as an abstract of emotions, than concealed it which 'cause a rather deep problem. Sealed the lips, throwing words is rather more hurtful, there is a saying that "words is mightier than swords" and I believe in that too. Sometimes, the words just came pouring out as the rain can be, and the wind is blowing you away to a distant place that no one can hear you but you yourself and like the echoing silence sometimes its too deafening, all you wanted is to shout from the top of your lungs before it will explode. But one way or another it just one good outlet to release it.

...too dramatic I guess but that's life. It's one of  the spices of life that makes it more exciting each day. Am getting too boring in here. Oh yeah! Don't mind me. Live life to the fullest thing that you can be, 'cause life is too short to waste on anger, hatred, enviousness, etc., we should appreciate life for real not on any fancy thing that can only be rotten someday.

...I'm getting irrelevant here so I stop before my battery drains out.

Joy is the most infallible sign
of the presence of God.
Leon Bloy

» »the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel« «

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Turf: in the four corner
Dash: rummaging my books box

1 John 1:5-10
O God, You know my foolishness;
and my sins are not hidden from

Everybody has a bestfriend if other says a man's bestfriend is "dog" for me is "books". When I enter the mall there is one place that only comes in my mind bookstore, it's like an addiction. Well, who doesn't, but I just don't grab a book and look for the cover if it is nice or good. Well, the main factor in buying a book is the Title and then read the sypnosis at the back of the book. I love books who makes me a rounded person, lots of info that I delve into and apply in my everyday life. I took a photo of a few books that I had in my books box just for your reference or you might be interested to read one of this book someday.

1. I Will Not Fear - this book is very much old not because I don't know how to take care of my books but I bought it in a Booksale, when we talk about a book I don't care if I will buy this in a bookseller as long as it contains information that is meaty to read and I find it more interesting. Anyway, about the book it's an inspirational poems, a very uplifting one it's applicable when you are so down and need enlightenment. Of course, the best book for enlightenment is non-other than but "Bible".

2. Single Servings - why I bought it, because as individuals I need a devotional inspiration for the daily life.

3. I Love You I Hate You - I bought this book when my relationship was in a topsy-turvy, this book helps me how to iron things out in a more positive way.

I still have lots of book in my stash as I've said earlier it's one of my best friend beside my human bff. I can pick up some pieces of advice that actually applicable to my situation at times and it opens up my mind to become more positive and understanding in the same way.

There is a place in you where there is perfect peace.
There is a place in you where nothing is impossible.
There is a place in you where the strength of God abides.
From 'A Course In Miracles'
Foundation For Inner Peace

» »sonata 4 - johann sebastian bach« «


Turf: bed
Dash: at the peak of sleepiness

Daniel 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the
dust of the earth shall awake
some to everlasting life, some to
shame and everlasting,

I'm digging out through my file folders photo when I suddenly get caught of this pic and just thoughts came in.

Sometimes we should look on our reflections, 'cause it speak of who we are...

my niece funny moments
 I love taking pictures via my mobile especially those unattended ones or a snap shot because those one I considered the real actions in life.

An 'enemy' is someone that God
puts in our path that is most in need of our love;
not retaliation or retribution or harm or insult.

John Carmody

» »mirror mirror - m2m« «

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