Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, 10 June 2011


Turf: in my bed
Dash: eating m&m and drinking coffee

1 Timothy 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
by the commandment of God our
savior and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love is somewhat self-sacrificing or a painful one to be considered by so many. But LOVE is the most beautiful thing to hope for, Love is not sacrificing nor painful one. Pain gain through someone who hurt us, betrayed us, or leave us. It isn't LOVE who does this to us. Love does not cost anything bad to us nor harm us. To fall in love is like you meet heaven and earth, it's like a cloud nine and it's always excite us to wake up in the morning and see everything is quite fine and everything is so beautiful around us.

We are made for loving. If we don't love, we will be like plants without water.
--Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner

People are unreasonable illogical,
and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will
accuse you of selfish, ulterior
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will
win false friends and true
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be
forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness makes you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest idea can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.


No matter what stone we trod in the road every day we must not take it as a reason not to go on living, and to take care, and to love. Love no matter what, always be inspired despite difficulties, travel the road seeing a bright future ahead. Life and love is a continuous process and the most adventurous one to take the journey.

Let us go forth, as called of God
Redeemed by Jesus' precious blood;
His love to show, his love to live,
His message speak, his mercy give. --Whittle

» »love is all that matters - eric carmen « «

Thursday, 9 June 2011


Turf: rolling up on my bed
Dash: just watched LTM

Psalm 13:31
How long, O Lord? Will you forget
me forever?

Our imaginative mind goes to the realm that we could only grasp through dreams. It's an adaptation of the movie world into a reality was somehow inevitably true or funny. Quite sometimes I'm putting my shoes into it, and I'm so honest about that. Deliriously laugh about the 3 stoogies brothers where they use to hit each others so foolishly, well it doesn't make any sense but we laugh about their corny jokes, actions and that's how life makes it easy for them. Making people laugh is somehow a good accomplishment and somehow can forget bad moods, disturbing neighbors, annoying dogs and cat meows in the middle of safe and sound sleep. I love watching movies but not all movies so quite picky about the stories (more actions, more fun...hahaha. No to violence). But I love watching actions movies, the kick fighting of Jackie Chan, Jet Lee, Bruce Lee, the bang bang shoot shoot of Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon, Bruce Willis, Nicholas Cage, Harrison Ford, etc., On the other side I am a soft hearted too, when I watch romantic movies of Julia Roberts, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Drew Barrymore they always makes me cry, and laugh so hardly on the kinkiness of Cameron Diaz I'm so crazy about her she so good from drama to romance to comedy ( a rolled into one characters).

Our character is like a role in movie film, changing one into another now you're happy, the next day your sad, on the other day your quite ecstatic, and in a few moments you are just in silence. But for me it's quite normal that's how our life evolve we are tested in each day and we need to survive in each trial. And in each survival we learned from it.

When sorrows assails us or terror draw nigh,
His love will not fail us, He'll guide with his eye;
And when we are fainting and ready to fail,
He'll give what is lacking and make us prevail. --Anon

  » » survivor - destiny's child « «

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Turf: bedroom
Dash: watching movie

Psalm 119:173
Let Your hand become my help.

The movie. Yes, it is. I love the way how the story goes, it's very realistic. I fall in love with the movie, and with the character of Julia Roberts. It's happening, particularly with me. Times when you want to go to a distant land just by yourself, because you want to seek something lack, still more space to fill in. Thoughts are wild to tame up and need a broad answer to suffice it. Questions are hanging in your heads like a popping bubble, times when you just stare blankly looking oddly. Not even so appreciative about the surroundings, about the others. It's cloudy. You pray that you will perfectly live the life He wants for you, to smile brightly and never think about anything. Just like one ordinary day when you were just young and not thinking anything but to play, play, and play, and just be merry about everything. But curiosity eats you up. Is it really curiosity or unsatisfactory of yourself? It's only because exploring your own world is haunting you. Making it real in life is way too far, so many halting you and that's because you care. Still you need to go on and find the light that's leading you to the right path of life you long wanted to live.

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. “ --Fr. Stephen, MSC - Life Lessons Learned.

It's a rediscovering of oneself that finally leads to happiness and fullness of your being.

Fear not, I am with thee—O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid;
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand. —Anon. 

» » dreams - fleetwood mac « «

Monday, 6 June 2011


Turf: hook up on bed
Dash: just reading other blogs

1 Peter 4:12
Beloved do not think it strange
concerning the fiery trial which is
to try you.

I know laziness is just as bad as having a bad stomach or having a painful toothache. I try to work something on my blog after editing it for almost 4hrs or so I felt tired and find it a bit boring already. So, I stop. I had to admit that I'm easily getting bored on a routine work, it doesn't excite me than writing my head on my blogs. There are things that we do that we aren't supposed to do, but we do because itis necessary. Like we don't have any option, unlike a cell phone menu where you can select delete, reply, forward or edit the text. As human we only have two options each either we do it or not to do. Time flies so I must not waste any single moment or second that I have, yet here I am having the "Mañana Habit". Done. It's bad. Need to resolve this right away.

Acting is easier - writing is more creative. The lazy man vies with the industrious.
William Shatner

...I may not be the same as yesterday, but I am much better today and tomorrow's ahead. I will. I must. And I do.

Underneath the restless surface
Of each trial that comes in life
Flow's the Savior love and power--
They can calm our inner strife. --D. De Haan

  » » working girl - cher « «

Sunday, 5 June 2011


Turf: in my haven
Dash: just sitting

John 15:3
You are clean because of
the word which I have spoken to

I try and reduce myself to an almost blank slate and hope to God that I am creative.
--Ben Kingsley--

Sometimes there are thoughts that are coming in, but it's so random that you cannot exactly pick up the essence, so you just left staring blankly in front of your lappy and you just see the white thing in front of you so blank but you want to put some words on it but it juggles. Gospel songs are playing and it's uplift your spirit. No, it's not that you feel lazy or just want to  lay around. Well, it's Sunday why not everybody is at home doing nothing, as the heat of the sun is too overpowering can't think if I'm going to have a good nap or just read one of my books that has been trap in a four corner of the box. Well, am thinking if I'm going to freed one of them and feed myself a new word. As the tree vines have dancing as the wind blows and the sunlight gives them the energy to survive each day. The hot days are so gruelling that it dries to the meaty thoughts that is popping in, maybe just need to relax a bit since I slept so late like 4:30ish in the morning for no reason at all as I was caught an attended of the time and so busy googling everything on the internet, or maybe one reason is that the caffeine is still active in my veins that keeps me so actively awake till late in the morning and could able to get up at 6ish in the morning to say my morning prayer. Thank God and Glory to God.

...will take a nap or maybe read about one of the books. Still undecided. :)

Admitting that we're guilty,
Acknowledge our sin,
Then trusting in Christ's sacrifice
Will make us clean within. --Sper

 » » kaleidoscope world - francis m « «

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Turf: just on the side
Dash: having lunch

Nahum 1:7
The LORD is good, a stronghold in
the day of trouble; and HE knows
those who trust in him.

Rafa vs. Andy


Yesterday was the big awaiting moment in Roland Garros it semis and it was played by four big amazing players No. 1 seed Rafael Nadal against Andy Murray, 3rd seed Roger Federer vs. Novak Djokovic all is intense I guess as everybody is waiting for the result as who is going to stand out on the clay court. As I patiently watch the live streaming in my lappy, though it's a bit annoying 'cause the signal is so poor that it 'cause to be freezing every second but it doesn't give me the reason not to finish the game. I saw the standout performance of the two players it's Rafa against Andy (what you will expect but great game). Rafa's performance doesn't shake, he's flying like an eagle with his topspin, drop shot, and his surprising shot on the sideline which is all IN was amazingly surprising. Amazing indeed! But in between Andy did an amazing job as well as he makes a tie break too, and stole a 2 break points from Rafa besides his problem in his ankle he still showed performance that level up to the expectation of his supporters. Andy did his best, but as we all knew there will be only one winner to be called and as far as Rafa is concerned we all knew that he has been tagged as "King of Clay" and also, claim as being a best court clay player ever by some great player and Andy was one to admit.

The rally of the two was indeed a very exciting and grilling one to watch, both have their own pressure cooker to cook on it's Rafa's birthday at the moment on his call of duty, while Andy is watch by his many supporters too in his own homeland, of course they are expecting him to win too. It's Spain vs. Scotland but Spaniard won the battle and the game ended up with the very good score of 6-4 7-5 6-4.

Need to leave here just for now, I need to grab a food my stomach is empty since yesterday night due to a detoxification.

Sorry for a dark blog yesterday. Emotions are just overflowing can't keep it inside sometimes.

It is Christmas every time you let God 
love others through you... 
yes, it is Christmas every time you smile 
at your brother and offer him your hand.
Mother Teresa

» »we are the champion - queen« «


Turf: nothing else
Dash: just reading some blogs

Nahum 1:7
The LORD is good, a stronghold in
the day of trouble; and he knows
those who trust in him.

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.

Sometimes it is best to pour the feelings in words and write it on as an abstract of emotions, than concealed it which 'cause a rather deep problem. Sealed the lips, throwing words is rather more hurtful, there is a saying that "words is mightier than swords" and I believe in that too. Sometimes, the words just came pouring out as the rain can be, and the wind is blowing you away to a distant place that no one can hear you but you yourself and like the echoing silence sometimes its too deafening, all you wanted is to shout from the top of your lungs before it will explode. But one way or another it just one good outlet to release it.

...too dramatic I guess but that's life. It's one of  the spices of life that makes it more exciting each day. Am getting too boring in here. Oh yeah! Don't mind me. Live life to the fullest thing that you can be, 'cause life is too short to waste on anger, hatred, enviousness, etc., we should appreciate life for real not on any fancy thing that can only be rotten someday.

...I'm getting irrelevant here so I stop before my battery drains out.

Joy is the most infallible sign
of the presence of God.
Leon Bloy

» »the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel« «

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Turf: bed
Dash: at the peak of sleepiness

Daniel 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the
dust of the earth shall awake
some to everlasting life, some to
shame and everlasting,

I'm digging out through my file folders photo when I suddenly get caught of this pic and just thoughts came in.

Sometimes we should look on our reflections, 'cause it speak of who we are...

my niece funny moments
 I love taking pictures via my mobile especially those unattended ones or a snap shot because those one I considered the real actions in life.

An 'enemy' is someone that God
puts in our path that is most in need of our love;
not retaliation or retribution or harm or insult.

John Carmody

» »mirror mirror - m2m« «

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Turf: in my nest
Dash: preparing chai

Daniel 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the
dust of the earth shall awake
some to everlasting life, some to
shame and everlasting,

Life is so surprising that we doesn't even know what next to come after yesterday, it always teaching us to live for today and live as if we are giving out the best to extend our deepest love, appreciation, smiles, hugs, etc., to someone who is just next beside us even we knew the person or not. To enjoy the moment that is given to us in each every second that we had, and forget about the word "complain", "suffering", "pain", but just live as if there is no better tomorrow than today.

appreciate life, don't waste it

spread your wings and fly, don't doubt yourself; you can make it!

The context of life is so meaningful that we couldn't even define nor we should but the best thing is to live the best out of it, just simply smile when the sun shine in the morning and give thanks to the Lord for the brand new day, or sing along when the birds sing, or just dance in the rain when it pours, life is so amazing in which sometimes we forget to appreciate it existence. We are too busy enough in doing errands, thinking 'bout tomorrow, making things complicated, shall not waste every second of it rather make it more meaningful each in every second that we live for ourselves and for other people.

If God created shadows, 
it was to better emphasize the light.
Pope John XXIII

» » beautiful life - ace of base « «

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