Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Turf: Bedroom
Dash: Playing the guitar

1 John 3:10
Whoever does not practice
righteousness is not of God.

One morning it’s like a freshly bake cheese cake, a sweet tooth Mooncake so enticing to wake up your sleepy mood with a freshly brewed aromatic coffee to energize your day.

Every day is a hard day to wake up when you are not a morning person and a lover of sleeping habit, but it’s a day when you say “All Glory to God” for gazing another beautiful sunrise peeping inside your window and those lovely birds singing in your window pane to harmonize the day to begin with. 

Your morning buddies are your alarm clock that receives unpleasing response which hardly beaten just to stop its noisy sound which bother your sound sleep -- pity alarm clock not even appreciated for the value it renders to its unpleasant owner.

I wish it’s always been TGIF and TGIS a day with nothing to do but to lie on my back without a buzzing alarm clock that will spoil my hours of sleep. But no glory without pain everyone needs to work it is one of the necessary things that we need to do to support our practical needs to be able to go on living.

I want to live my day with rainbow colors on a rainy day. Every day is an exciting one to wake up with knowing life is full of surprises which wrapping up the whole day.

While sitting on a soft couch, living on a simple but placid home it’s sometimes slipping on my mind that I’m still lucky to be woken up on each day having this thing around me though it’s not explendid but with a home to wake up with knowing not everybody has a life I had, while others had no shelter to live with, doesn’t have a food to feed their empty stomach nor even gaze a lovely sunrise when some of them sleep behind the filthy bars.

I should be thankful for each day even though there are times when it is hard to wake up and you are tired doing the same routine and not having enough days to beat the stress you had in a week. But the moment I thought of that, I realized that how blessed I am waking up each morning and still doing what I love to do which is facing challenges, and welcome more opportunities that will come my way.

One of a few reasons why I still live and wake up the next day. It's all for the glory of God.

Oh help us, Lord, to live our lives
So unsaved people clearly see
Reflections of your loving heart,
Your kindness, and Your purity. --Sper

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