Wednesday 1 June 2011


Turf: bed
Dash: at the peak of sleepiness

Daniel 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the
dust of the earth shall awake
some to everlasting life, some to
shame and everlasting,

I'm digging out through my file folders photo when I suddenly get caught of this pic and just thoughts came in.

Sometimes we should look on our reflections, 'cause it speak of who we are...

my niece funny moments
 I love taking pictures via my mobile especially those unattended ones or a snap shot because those one I considered the real actions in life.

An 'enemy' is someone that God
puts in our path that is most in need of our love;
not retaliation or retribution or harm or insult.

John Carmody

» »mirror mirror - m2m« «

0 Hey, say a word:


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