Turf: in my nest
Dash: listening to music
Romans 14:17
For the Kingdom of God is not
eating and drinking, but
righteousness, peace, and joy
in the Holy Spirit.
This past few days is so overwhelming that I’m so inspired to take this 10 Days Letter Challenge… So let’s see If could cope up to answer it with all honesty and diligently.

Day 1: Ten Things About Yourself
1. I'm not a morning person
2. I'm a late sleeper
3. I don't use much of my mobile phone but I have 2.
4. I'm in the Rafael Nadal Friend Activity and that's something to me... :)
5. I'm a book lover
6. I want to be an Architect but end up as a programmer
7. When I started to sing in a videoke it last for 4hrs
8. I'm a homebody but I love adventure
9. I'm a good listener and adviser too. So I could be your Joe D Mango version.
10. I love music and anything related about the arts.
First day challenge about me is kinda hard to answer, because I'm not use of describing myself. But somehow I think I justify it well.
This is just for today. Have a nice day!
The world gets a glimpse of God
When those who claim to be
The followers of Jesus Christ
Are living righteously. --Sper
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