Monday 6 June 2011


Turf: hook up on bed
Dash: just reading other blogs

1 Peter 4:12
Beloved do not think it strange
concerning the fiery trial which is
to try you.

I know laziness is just as bad as having a bad stomach or having a painful toothache. I try to work something on my blog after editing it for almost 4hrs or so I felt tired and find it a bit boring already. So, I stop. I had to admit that I'm easily getting bored on a routine work, it doesn't excite me than writing my head on my blogs. There are things that we do that we aren't supposed to do, but we do because itis necessary. Like we don't have any option, unlike a cell phone menu where you can select delete, reply, forward or edit the text. As human we only have two options each either we do it or not to do. Time flies so I must not waste any single moment or second that I have, yet here I am having the "Mañana Habit". Done. It's bad. Need to resolve this right away.

Acting is easier - writing is more creative. The lazy man vies with the industrious.
William Shatner

...I may not be the same as yesterday, but I am much better today and tomorrow's ahead. I will. I must. And I do.

Underneath the restless surface
Of each trial that comes in life
Flow's the Savior love and power--
They can calm our inner strife. --D. De Haan

  » » working girl - cher « «

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