Turf: watching tv
There are points in time when you are at the lowest point of your life, the place seems lame and the skies is not so blue. You want nothing but someone to uplift you, someone who can be a shoulder to lean on, have an ear to listen to you, and someone who can give a pat on your back and says "everything will be fine...". Then you come across on the internet then this word pop up in front of you... the very words you want to hear....
via google
St. Francis De Sales answer my long thoughts, the question that bagging in my head... the weary feelings that never been fade away. Now, I am at peace with myself.
When I cannot understand my Father's leading. And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate. Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading. God is working. God is faithful--Only wait. --A.B. Simpson
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