Thursday 26 May 2011


Turf: bedroom
Dash: grilling myself on hot summer

Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, just
as Christ also loved the church
and gave Himself for her.

When I was teenage buff like 13ish or something I do have a little problem with zits, but I never let it ruin my face. So, what I did seeks for the solution, tried, tried, and tried all products selling on beauty product shelves, or drugstores reading lots of lots of magazine to know the remedy. Well, luckily I'm over it.

I thought zits are just a common problem for a tropical country like Philippines since we only had dry and rainy seasons, which is when it is dry it is what you called "summer" a "hot grilling days" for a few more months starting on march onwards till august or if fate allows in between months there is rains. So, basically people sweats out more than the other cold countries which is sometimes breakouts face skin and tend it to be a lot more oily that causes pimples, but I find myself wrong in my own myths and there is other main reasons or cause of it.

Last time my sisters, her husband along with her children came last January for a short stint vacation in the Philippines (they had beautiful, handsome lovely kids) not because she is my sisters. Anyway, 2 of her kids had suffered zits actually it's acne problem I am surprised about this then I found out that they had a lack of sleep that tend their skin to breakout and its give bad acne. So, what is the cause of their sleep deprivation nonetheless their computer gaming addiction.

I had quoted here a few important information regarding sleep and inflammation.

Sleep and inflammation
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reports
A lack of sleep increases inflammatory cytokines. This helps explain why pain flare-up occurs in response to sleep deprivation in various disorders. Even modest sleep restriction adversely affects inflammatory cytokine levels. In a carefully controlled study, sleep deprivation caused a 40-60% average increase in the inflammatory marker IL-6 in men and women, while men alone showed a 20-30% increase in TNF-a. Both IL-6 and TNF-a are potent pro-inflammatory cytokines that induce systemic inflammation.Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2002 Mar;31(1): pp.15-36

So, if you love your skin, might as well love yourself don't deprive yourself from a good sleep, don't exchange sleep with some bad habits like computer gaming, internet addiction, partying late, vices (like smoking, drinking alcohols) or some stuffs that tends you to sleep very late, only if it's very important matters that require you to sleep late.

A man who finds a godly wife
Is blest beyond compare;
She is his greatest prize in life--
A treasure rich and rare. --D. De Haan

 » » beautiful -cristina aguilera « «

Monday 23 May 2011


Turf: in bed
Dash: thinking

1 Thessalonians 3:12
May the Lord make you increase
and abound in love to one
another and to all.

What is the common thing in your stash that you won't ever leave at home without it?

As for me I can't go out without this thing, because I always love to be on the go, so I don't like to look dull in any moment I'm outside at home or in the office.

  • Powder - Prestige - Skin Loving Minerals Gentle Finish Mineral Powder Foundation ( love the natural shades)  

  • Prestige Ultimate Brow Definer (cause I don't want my eyebrow to be in a mess, so can't live without it too)

  • Prestige Lipstick Stylo Coutor #05 (I love this lipstick because of anti-age moisture, basically the shades definitely a winner)

  • Prestige Lip liner Silver Pencil Matita Legno (to define my lips especially when I'm wearing light shades or a bit darker shades)

  • Prestige Kabuki Brush (I love this brush because it's very handy you can just put it in your purse, and beside it didn't cause an allergic reaction to my face when I brush it off)

My face is very sensitive that's why I cannot use any product that is not suited to my skin, even if this product is a signature brand it doesn't give me any guarantee that it won't irritate my skin, so if any possible case happen I'll stop using it right away, 'cause I don't want to harm my face more. So I need to be picky with the product I use with my face, even the product says it's hypo-allergenic sometimes it's still irritating my skin. So what I did is buy the product then use it, on the first day I will know if it's had a bad reaction on my face or not, because my face becomes itchy right away, then if not it's the best for my skin that's the only time I continue using it.

So, choose for a product that won't harm or irritate your skin, don't rely on the brand name, but rely on the product that would benefit your skin.

For the meantime this the only few of my favorite stash collection of Prestige products that I can share it with you, though I still have more about my fashion addiction, and that would be a next time.

Do you have any fashion addiction too that you can't live without and you want it to share?

As you have loved me, let me love
Lost souls in darkness dwelling;
To draw the needy ones to You,
Lord, give a zeal compelling! --Bosch

» » light and shades - fra lippo lippi « « 

    Saturday 21 May 2011


    Turf: inside the room
    Dash: watching info video

    James 1:21
    Lay aside all filthiness and
    overflow of wickedness, and
    receive with meekness the
    implanted Word, which is able to
    save your souls.

    So, as you will know my day started with a prayer at 6ish in the morning and have a little bite to fill my stomach then I would start opening my laptop and browsing the internet then my day started. Anyway, long time before though I had a yahoo email I never paid attention to the Yahoo website news, just only a few months ago when I started ogling on Yahoo news and find it a lot of interesting more to read an information that you can exactly apply or be aware of what’s happening on our planet earth, or maybe an infomercial that you could benefit from it or rather learned from it. Where are the best places, best food, best gadgets etc,. I Just want to share with you this video that I find very interesting to watch from Yahoo news. Hope you enjoy watching it as I’ve really enjoyed because of its cool information that would definitely each one of us learn from it.

    I cannot post the video so, better to give you the link where you can watch it.

     The video is embedded with different tutorial or information that you will learn something about the use of your iPhone, laptop, or any gadgets in your home, or in your laptop that you don't know that you can easily use it or maybe have it that would surely help make your life simply easy. Information that you would surely find interesting, and helpful one. You just need to keep continue watching until the end of the video, then after that it will reload another one.

    So, from now on I would put on my list to browse on Yahoo news each time I delve on the internet for an added knowledge power.

    God who formed worlds by the power of His word
    Speaks through the Scriptures His truth to be heard;
    And if we read the will to obey,
    He by His Spirit will show us his way. --D. De Haan

    » » wonder - justin timberlake « «


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