Monday, 15 April 2013

When simple things makes you extremely happy...'

Turf: in one corner
Dash: cleaning up my closet

The other day a jumbo box of package from my brother in Dubai came, it wasn't a surprise since my mother was expecting it a month ago. Yes, it's a package just for my mother, so I wasn't expecting too that all my things that I've left in Dubai was sent along with it, it is not because I am not going back to Dubai, simply because I knew no matter how long I stayed there, it wasn't become my real home.

One of the things that makes me extremely happy is...

Yes, meet my love Boogie, he has a red, soft, and shiny fur and his nose is a bit distorted (hehehe) and he has a very short tail --still, I loved him. Yesterday evening I had a sound sleep when he is on the top of my chest. He looks a bit sad, and I guess he is whining because I left him in Dubai for so long.

Well, I'm a bit sad too because my first love "BUZZ" is missing. I wonder how he has been taking care of. I knew this post should talk about extreme happiness, but can't contain the little sadness that pinching in to the fact that there is a missing piece in between.

When you are tired and  so so sleepy but peanut butter and buns break the ice and it's so perfect in the taste, The mix of salt and sweet is just balance and it just so wonderful! (I love this American Garden Peanut Butter). When the sound of silence is a beat deafening and the beads of sweat is made the day dull then it brings back the smile on my face--peanut butter and buns made it so.

So, this is how I wrap up these past few days since my last post.

» » sweet baby, george duke « «

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