Turf: room
Dash: cleaned up the room
Acts 1:8
You shall be witnesses to me
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the end of the

It contains so much happiness whenever I went out with mom, because I got a chance to roam around, again. One of the good things in going out with mom is I never suffered of hungriness-till-you-faint, (because she is a gourmand too) rather fed you up until you get bloated to the point that you can't even breathe of fullness.
My Yo-yo weight has always been my main challenge it's been going up and down every now and then, but whenever I went to the mall it seems that I forgot everything weight concern rather I get overly excited on my favorite fast-food dish in KFC which is "Chicken ALA King" it seems that heaven is on earth; though it isn't my first time eating this dish but every time I enter the threshold of KFC it seems it's always my first. Its always been a mouth-watering food for me the taste has been a magical taste for me. One thing is I'm a gourmand. I love eating. It's been a pleasure for me to try new dishes. So, for those who has been on a diet now, so sorry for this post that I discussed so much about it. (The photo was a few days ago)

a heaven's food
Well, the decision always lies in your mighty taste of craving. Don't indulge too much once is not a crime. But never ever starve yourself that is a sin to crave for more and your intestine will get into trouble. Don't punish yourself if you want to get a thinner, sexier body. Eat right, balance diet and have a good healthy mind.
People can't believe in Jesus
If the gospel they don't hear
So we must proclaim its message
The the world--both far and near.--Sper
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