The other day I got stuck up changing my blog skins which I get it from
here you can choose different kind of blogskins which is according to your personal taste and which is personally made by such gracious individual who shared there works on blogskins site. You just need a little knowledge in the HTML to edit a few and put your personal profile in it. It took me a day to finish it, because my browser is having a problem it is too slow, plus I need to do a little tweaks on my laptop to make my internet a little bit faster than the usual.
Old blogskin |
My old blogskin is just simple and a bit classy, I like it! The only flaws of it is the letter its just too small that I even had a hard time reading. By the way, when you use the ready-made blogskin don't remove the credit or the name of the creator on that way it maintain respect for those who spend their sweat and time making it for us to easily use and make our blog more attracting and cute.
The new layout I chose is more of a child look it's cute and plus the artistry of the picture is one of the main reason I choose it, I love arts and if you can see the detail of the drawing it's very cute and very colorful. It's very me, it's like letting out the child in me. I hope this one will take time until I change it, because I had this habit of changing layout every time I saw a new cute one.
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
― Pablo Picasso
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